Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dear Morgan;
You young, naive and innocent little grade nine. Right now, you don't have a job, you barely have any homework to do after school and you have a bunch of time to spend with your friends. If you knew how much busier and more stressful life in grade 11 would be, you'd probably cherish your grade nine life a little bit more. Looking back, I even realize that grade nine was my favourite year, which I don't think you realized then. If you had realized it, again you probably wouldn't have taken a lot of the year for granted.

You got 80's in almost every subject while barely even looking at your homework most of the time, and it is DEFINITELY not like that now. If I didn't do my homework for a day in math class this year... I would fail. Thinking back, grade nine was amazing, and I don't think a lot of people can say that about their first year of high school. But I know that one day I'll end up looking back on grade 11 and probably realize how immature  and naive I am this year, so it won't be very different from how I look at my grade nine self.

In the end though, things would have been a lot more different for you had you realized how much you'd end up missing good ol' 2009.

From, grade 11 Morgan :)

Inside thought bubble:
- Child represents innocence and carefree times
- Barely any homework
- Person laughing symbolizes the carefree laughter
- Smiley face coffee cup represents addiction to coffee and being happily unaware how bad my addiction was.

Outside thought bubble:
- The books show how important this school year is, and how much it will affect my future
- University is nearing
- Graduation cap symbolizes how close high school's end is approaching
- Happy face represents that even though grade 11 may be more stressful than grade nine, its still fun :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Are We Digital Dummies?

Yup. We are. I completely and totally agree with everything that was said in this video. It's a generation full of technological gadgets, and in all complete honesty I don't think it'll ever go away. Some people may disagree and say that they aren't addicted to their smartphones, but unless they have never had a smartphone in their entire life, then they're lying. Some people agree and say that they are addicted, but are they doing anything about it? No. I'm definitely the latter because I can say that I'm addicted to my phone and admit it, but I'm doing nothing about it. If I don't have my iPhone with me at all times, I feel like I'm missing a part of myself, and I'm sure that so many others feel the exact same way. That is how I know that technology has taken over, and why I agree with this video.

Opinion: Don't Follow Your Dream

I agree and I disagree with the author of this article's point of view. In Harrison Solow's opinion, the phrase "Follow Your Dream," horrifies and disgusts him. He thinks that children who are raised hearing this supposedly inspiring phrase, don't exactly follow their dreams at all. Instead, he thinks that being told to follow your dreams is simply a different way of saying, "if you want something, you'll get it." I agree with what he thinks in that sense, and do believe that in this generation we are constantly wanting something and never fighting for it, but I also disagree. To me, it seems like Solow is putting all the blame on the phrase itself when really, the way that the phrase is interpreted is a matter of perspective. Some children may hear it and grow up thinking that all they have to do is want something, and it might one day be handed to them. But others may interpret it differently and grow up to truly follow the dreams they had once envisioned, and work hard to achieve it. In my opinion, it depends on the person who hears rather than the words being said.